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February 2018

Teamwork Can Become Your ASC’s Organizational Norm

Teamwork Can Become Your ASC’s Organizational Norm

By ASC Management, Leadership No Comments

Is teamwork the norm in your ambulatory surgery center? If the answer is yes, you are ahead of the curve.

Most organizations struggle to develop and foster an environment in which true teamwork can flourish. However, organizations successful in fostering a team-oriented environment see many benefits in the lives, and output, of their workforce. An organizational norm of teamwork fosters creativity & learning, builds trust, develops conflict resolution skills, blends complementary strengths, promotes a wider sense of ownership, and encourages healthy risk-taking.[1]

In the book, High Five! The Magic of Working Together, the authors assert, “Fostering teamwork is creating a work culture that values collaboration. In a teamwork environment, people understand and believe that thinking, planning, decisions, and actions are better when done cooperatively. People recognize, and even assimilate, the belief that ‘none of us is as good as all of us.'”[2]

Why is developing a culture of teamwork such a struggle?

Our schools, family structures, and many of our pastimes emphasize winning and individual achievement over collaborative accomplishments. Some of us are raised in environments that do not teach or value collaboration. Instead, we learn early to be the first and the best.

As we mature and begin our careers, this pattern continues. It is not uncommon for workplace rewards and promotions to be directly tied to individual performance. The system of rewards at work often reinforces self-reliance. Instead of working collaboratively with colleagues who are specialists in their respective fields, we strive to grow our own breadth of knowledge to increase our ability to do all things by ourselves.

How can you create an environment in which teamwork and collaboration are your norm?

Clearly communicate teamwork and collaboration are expected. Model teamwork in your interactions with each member of your ASC. Talk about and identify the value of a teamwork culture in meetings. Make teamwork a core value of your surgery center. Advertise it in places easily seen and identifiable by all. Emphasize that being a team player is a strength. Hire individuals who are team-oriented.

Maintain a culture of teamwork even when things are going wrong. Resist the temptation to blame individuals. Instead, focus on how the team can resolve issues that arise. This allows your team the freedom to make decisions without fear of making a mistake and being reprimanded.

As you transform your staff into a collaborative team, recognize and reward teamwork actions along the way. Consider how to focus compensation, bonuses, and recognition on collaborative practices as well as individual contribution and achievements. One avenue for teamwork recognition is sharing important stories that emphasize teamwork during regular team meetings. For example, “Remember when our Pre-Op/PACU nursing staff worked together to conduct a pre-survey prior to our most recent state accreditation survey? They found 5 areas where we needed to improve processes to maintain compliance with regulations. But they didn’t stop there. They executed the necessary process improvements. Let’s all applaud our Pre-Op/PACU nursing staff members. They diligently worked together to get ready for that survey and contributed favorably to our success.”

How do you maintain teamwork and collaboration?

As you focus on and implement teamwork, you will recognize the need for team building activities. Traditionally, organizations approached team building as a trip to a resort, playing games, or some other type of break from the workplace. Then they wondered why the sense of teamwork at their one-day outing failed to make its way back to the workplace. To gain the most from your efforts to build teamwork, consider more regular, fun, shared occasions for team building. Potlucks, local sporting events, or even local dinners are all good options.

Consider challenging your staff with a project that requires working together collaboratively to achieve a desired objective. Before doing so, however, provide training and tools to team members on communication and setting team standards. This will allow them to focus most of their energy on the assigned project and less effort on figuring out how to work together as a team.

Use ice breakers and teamwork exercises at meetings. While these activities are short in duration and cost little to implement, they help teams get to know one another and often result in a healthy dose of laughter.

Celebrating Team Culture

Ask ASC leaders to publicly recognize teams for their successes and offer team members opportunities to recognize their peers for major contributions to the team. Receiving recognition makes the feeling of team success even sweeter, and worth repeating.

Effective teamwork not only promotes creativity, learning, and innovation, but also encourages team members to perform at their highest potential. When team members are working together at their highest potential, their efforts are multiplied. Your organization benefits exponentially. Once teamwork is established as an organizational norm, trust amongst colleagues and workplace satisfaction are fostered, contributing to a general sense of good will in your ASC.

Jovanna Grissom, VP of Operations


[2] High Five! The Magic of Working Together, by Kenneth V. Blanchard, Sheldon Bowles, Others, 2000, New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc. Copyright (2001) by Blanchard Family Partnership and Ode to Joy limited.


Matchmaker, Matchmaker: Finding the "Perfect" Surgery Center Team

Matchmaker, Matchmaker: Finding the “Perfect” Surgery Center Team

By ASC Development, ASC Management, Leadership No Comments

In the classic “Fiddler on the Roof” song “Matchmaker, Matchmaker,” Tevye and Golde’s daughters sing about a matchmaker finding husbands for them. The lyrics include the following line: “Matchmaker, matchmaker, look through your book, and make me a perfect match.” When tasked with building a new surgery center team, I play the matchmaker role.

My “book” is comprised of information on job seekers – a collection of resumes/CVs, interview notes, and insight from the candidates’ references. With this information, the pressure is on me to accomplish what those daughters ask for – perfect matches. I cannot simply choose who I think is the best clinical director, administrator, materials coordinator, operating room nurse, recovery nurse, and business office person on paper. These selections cannot happen in a bubble. Instead, I must do my best to ensure this initial set of team members will work well together. They will jointly create the desired culture for the ASC. And they will instill this culture in the staff members hired and trained after them, helping attract more likeminded individuals.

There’s a lot of pressure to get these initial hires right. I hope they will remain with the ASC for years, forming the foundation for the facility. When building a surgery center team, I focus on the following to increase the likelihood that I make the correct selections.

Ownership Expectations

During meetings with the ASC’s owners, I seek first to understand their expectations of the new facility. What does their optimal surgery center team look like? How do they envision the facility’s culture? What type of employees are they looking for to support that culture?

When PINNACLE III is the manager of the facility, I factor in our culture expectations as well. Defining an ASC’s culture isn’t easy. In my experience, if I take the time to understand expectations, I’ll gain the insight required to create the anticipated culture. In an ASC, it will likely include expectations of delivering the highest quality care via a skilled, efficient team who perform their respective roles with integrity.

Surgery Center Team Interviews

A resume or CV tells me about a prospective employee’s background. That background information is important – I want to hire competent, qualified staff. However, resume review is not the most important step in the hiring process. Candidates can appear quite impressive on paper but fall short of expectations in person. The interview process is the best opportunity to assess whether candidates fit the mold for the new surgery center team.

My interview questions aim to accomplish several objectives. I dig deep to truly understand how an interviewee will work for the ASC. My focus isn’t just be on short-term performance but the candidate’s potential longevity and adaptability as the center grows. What are their values? Do they place importance on honesty and integrity? Are they lifelong learners? How do they envision positively impacting the business? I’m looking for positive signs as well as potential warning signs.

I inquire about their previous employer’s culture. Coming from an organization with a different culture than the new ASC isn’t necessarily problematic. Depending upon the situation, it’s important to recognize that I may need to do a little work to address the effects of that culture, particularly if the candidate was not valued in their previous work setting.

I like to ask interviewees how they would act when faced with difficult situations I’ve witnessed firsthand in ASCs. For example, what would they do if they encountered a disruptive physician? What if the narcotic count was off at day’s end? What if a daily deposit didn’t match the books? I want to obtain an understanding of how they are going to respond during stressful events.

These types of questions serve two purposes, First, I hope their responses give me confidence that they will act responsibly. Second, I learn if they will respond differently than I would in a similar situation. If they turn out to be the right fit for the surgery center team, I have identified an area where this person may require some guidance.

My Presentation

When interviewing job candidates, I am typically the first, personal representation of the ASC. I am the face of its culture or, in the case of a new or developing ASC, its desired culture. I am likely all the candidates know of the surgery center team. If I want the ability to hire the candidates I determine are right for the ASC, I need to ensure these candidates view the ASC as a good fit as well.

With the low unemployment rate, health care professionals typically have at least a few, if not many, job options. Hiring is a two-way street. I need to ensure the way I present during the interview process reflects the way I want the ASC to be perceived. I believe it’s best to be clear and concise when interviewing. If I adopt an overly laid-back approach, I risk alienating individuals looking for structure. More laid-back candidates will still appreciate the professional manner through which I conducted their interview.

Achieving Surgery Center Team “Perfection”

While finding “perfect” matches may prove difficult, I want to come as close as possible with my initial hires. I would rather hold off on filling a position than make a “bad” hire. With bad hires, I often spend extra time and effort bringing them on, only to lose them after a short period. In a worst-case scenario, a bad hire can create untoward results in the ASC’s culture – gossiping, not focusing on personalized service, or not treating physicians as customers, for example.

That’s why the key for me is never to hire out of desperation. There’s no better way to find an imperfect match. Remember: When playing matchmaker for an ASC, the task is finding matches for the owners, other staff, and patients. And like that of a matchmaker, this is a responsibility not to be taken lightly.

Lisa Austin, VP of Facility Development

Addressing Patient Requests for Charity Care or Financial Hardship at Your ASC

Addressing Patient Requests for Charity Care or Financial Hardship at Your ASC

By ASC Management, Payor Contracting, Revenue Cycle Management No Comments

As insurance plans continue to shift more of the financial burden of health care to patient, providers receive more requests for charity care or financial assistance. Health care services have become unaffordable for many, forcing some patients to avoid necessary treatment if they do not receive substantial financial discounts.

Does your ASC have a process in place to address the rise in patient co-pays and deductibles, and the growing need for charity care?

One option for dealing with patient payments is to waive co-pays or deductibles to avoid the process altogether. Such a tactic, however, could lead you straight into legal issues related to the False Claims Act, Anti-Kickback Statutes, and non-compliance with managed care agreements. Additionally, there are state specific laws addressing waiver of co-payments and deductibles. The best response is to develop sound financial hardship and charity care policies to help you legally and consistently navigate these waters.

What is the difference between charity care and financial hardship?

There are no formal definitions for charity care or financial hardship. Health care entities use a variety of terms including, but not limited to, uncompensated care, charity assistance, and bad debt. In Pinnacle III’s managed facilities, we have established distinct definitions to minimize confusion and enhance communication.

Charity care is free care. The patient simply has little to no means to pay for needed medical services. The benchmark for receiving charity care is typically set using family income between 100% and 400% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). A chart with percentages of the poverty guidelines listing yearly and monthly levels can be found online.[1] The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services releases U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines which are updated every year using Census Bureau data. The current data can be found online.[2] If you choose to use this method, make sure you update your policy annually when the new guidelines are released.

Work with your Board of Directors to determine what poverty level you will use to grant a charity care service. You may want to consider a sliding scale as listed below; however, charity care is typically “free.”

An example of a sliding scale is:

Below 250% of FPL: 100% charity care
Between 251%-300% FPL: 75% discounted care
Between 301%-400% FPL: 60% discounted care

If you choose to implement a sliding scale, keep your procedure costs in mind. Set your lowest discounted rate at or slightly above Medicare reimbursement which should allow you to break even on the services being provided.

Some ASC’s establish a “Charity Care Day” for a set number of patients who have cleared the Center’s approval process. On this day the providers, staff, and even some vendors donate their time and/or resources for the charity care surgical cases. This practice demonstrates significant commitment to the Center’s community. Share with the local newspapers or launch a public relations effort to alert your community to your initiative to help those in need.

While charity care is “free,” financial hardship is a request for discounted care. Some of the other terms used to describe financial hardship are economic burden, economic hardship, financial burden, financial distress, and financial stress. Being under-insured, having no insurance, and increasing medical costs are situations that contribute to financial hardship. When reviewing a financial hardship request, it is essential to have patients substantiate their financial need. In some cases, patients with insurance who choose not to file their claim with the insurance company, may not be eligible for your financial hardship program. Ensure your board clearly defines your facility’s financial hardship parameters.

Creating a Policy

Both charity care and financial hardship requests should go through an application process. Assign a financial counselor, or someone in your facility who handles financial discussions with patients, to guide them through your process and move completed applications along for consideration and approval.

Consider the following when setting up your financial hardship and charity care policies:

  1. Create an application form for the current episode of care.
    1. Require a new application and proof of hardship for future care.
  2. Be precise about the documentation needed to support the request.
    1. Tax returns
    2. W-2s
    3. Bank statements
    4. Proof of unemployment
    5. Alimony, child support, etc.
    6. All sources of income
  3. Reject incomplete applications.
  4. Consider all financial resources available to the patient.
  5. Provide available options to patients upfront.
    1. Payment plans
    2. Low cost health care loans
  6. Establish timeline for review and approval.
  7. Determine notification process of approval or denial – letter or phone call?
  8. Maintain the confidentiality of the data received with the application. Ensure bank account details, social security numbers, etc. are redacted (or partially redacted) to prevent this information from falling into the wrong hands.
  9. Make the process known to your patients who apply and ensure staff consistently follow it.
    1. Educate your staff on policy guidelines, timeliness of the process, etc.
    2. Consistently apply the process to each individual patient to avoid claims of discrimination.

Once your policies are created, consult your attorney to ensure you have appropriately addressed any risks and you are following state laws.

Unforeseen circumstances arise at the worst times. Having sound policies to review financial hardship and charity care requests will help you compassionately work with your patients while protecting your ASC’s bottom line.

[1] US Department of Health & Human Services; Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Resources, A chart with percentages (e.g. 125 percent) of the guidelines

[2] US Department of Health & Human Services; Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Poverty Guidelines

Carol Ciluffo, VP of Revenue Cycle Management

Running an Effective ASC Board Meeting: Lessons I've Learned

Running an Effective ASC Board Meeting: Lessons I’ve Learned

By ASC Governance, ASC Management, Leadership No Comments

Board meetings are critical to an ASC’s ongoing and long-term success. They designate time to address regulatory issues required to maintain compliance. They serve as an opportunity for leaders to make important financial and strategic planning decisions. An ASC board meeting also allows leadership to address problems or areas in need of improvement.

In my 10-plus years serving as a surgery center administrator, I’ve run my fair share of board meetings. Regardless of how each board meeting turns out, I strive to learn something to help the next meeting go smoother.

Guidance for Conducting a Better ASC Board Meeting

Here are some of the key lessons I’ve learned over the years.

  1. No established rules. There are no firm guidelines for running an ASC board meeting. In fact, board meetings do not need to be formal. What matters is finding a format and approach that allows you to accomplish what’s necessary in the time available.
  2. Get to know your board. Learn about your board members; specifically, what they want to get out of board meetings. Using this information, adapt your approach to cater to these needs.
  3. Be consistent. Once you develop a format that works well for your board meeting, stick with it. This serves several purposes. A template will make developing agendas easier and help ensure you do not omit important topics from one meeting to the next. It will also help focus the meeting – board members will know when certain agenda items are up for discussion. If time is consistently allocated to specific topics, board members are less likely to push for earlier discussion on an issue.
  4. Take command. As the individual running the board meeting, you play a major role in determining the meeting’s effectiveness. Talkative or strongly opinionated board members have the potential to hijack a meeting. Maintain control and keep the meeting on task.
  5. Allow for discussion. Build in time for some discussion of key issues in every board meeting. The key word here is “some.” Most meetings last 60 to 90 minutes. A mere 15-minute discussion will eat up a large percentage of that time. Keep discussions short and focused so you can move through the agenda. If an issue requires lengthy discussion, designate a time following the meeting for interested individuals to continue their conversation.
  6. Focus on key items. Going into an ASC board meeting, know which issues are the most important and make sure to cover them. Good preparation and organization of information will help ensure efficient use of the available time. If you plan to provide details, make sure they are critical to the discussion and any decisions. Do not dive so far into details that you take time away from other key issues.
  7. Keep it high level. When weighing what details to provide, such as financial or quality data, keep in mind that most boards look for a high-level perspective. This would include what’s going right or wrong within the ASC and your recommendation on next steps (more on this below). A high-level perspective typically works well for most topics unless one requires deeper discussion because of its urgency or seriousness.
  8. Come up with solutions. If your agenda includes the sharing of shortfalls or areas of concern, be prepared to outline plans for correction. You want board members to leave the meeting feeling confident that you are already working to address any problems.
  9. Make decisions easier. Agenda items that require board members to vote on an issue or make a decision can quickly derail a meeting. If one board member shares an opinion, others are likely to share their thoughts as well. This can quickly turn into a lengthy, possibly heated, discussion. Avoid this scenario by steering members away from unnecessary confrontations. Rather than asking board members what they think the ASC should do, provide options to choose from. Share your recommendation, with a short explanation of your reasoning. The board may still want to engage in a discussion, but providing a few options rather than presenting an open-ended question should help bring about a faster decision.
  10. Be upfront with bad news. If you have bad news to share or anticipate needing to discuss a difficult subject, don’t shock board members by using the meeting as the first time you present this information. Provide board members with a heads-up that the meeting agenda will include the concerning topic. Make sure the board president is aware of the matter and, when possible, to discuss the issue prior to the meeting. If the matter affects specific board members, hold conversations with them in advance.

Bonus Tips for a Successful ASC Board Meeting

Here are a few additional pieces of advice to help you lead constructive meetings:

  • Efficiency is important, but poor preparation can quickly overshadow its significance. If you don’t present ideas in an organized manner, the board may perceive you as less efficient and knowledgeable.
  • When you don’t know the answer to a question, admit it. You’re better off being transparent than trying to appear knowledgeable about an issue when you simply are not. If the information provided turns out to be incorrect, the board is likely to lose confidence in you. Rather, take the time to research the information and provide a correct response. By taking this approach, when you say you know the answer to a question, board members will trust you.

Considering the infrequency of board meetings – with many ASCs only holding them quarterly – every minute of every meeting is of the utmost importance. To run your next ASC board meeting more effectively and productively, prepare fully and take total advantage of the time allotted.

Diane Lampron, Director of Operations

Why a Strategic Plan is a Good Idea for Your ASC

Why a Strategic Plan is a Good Idea for Your ASC

By ASC Development, ASC Management, Leadership No Comments

A strategic plan is a valuable resource for every business. Ambulatory surgery centers are no exception. A business strategic plan is a tool that outlines the organization’s progress to date, the current market landscape including information on competitors, the strategic priorities for the future, and plans for addressing challenges and opportunities. In each of these assessment areas, the business is viewed from a multi-faceted perspective, focusing on elements such as sales, consumer behavior, finances, quality, and business development. In an ASC, these elements may translate as physician alignment/recruitment, patient satisfaction, finances, quality, and new service lines.

Developing a strategic plan requires an investment of resources. Most notably, the time and commitment of some of the most highly skilled people in your organization. It is important for team members working on the plan to invest the time required to examine the organization and make informed decisions about its focus and direction.

Here are some of the benefits that come with creating a strategic plan for your ASC.

Charting the Course

A strategic plan sets a direction or course for the ASC’s leaders. It allows for the prioritization of growth initiatives and defines how success will be measured. In a sense, it helps people throughout the organization understand what they should be working on and in what order. Without a clearly defined plan, you may find your priority initiatives, the ones that drive the highest success, are being given secondary treatment. For example, if cost containment is a high priority for your ASC, your strategic plan might state you will create awareness of and movement toward achievement of that goal through employee education. Specifying how often employee education will focus on and reinforce cost containment initiatives allows your team to track their progress on the goal throughout the year. The focus shifts from “educating employees” to “cost containment through employee education.”

Maintaining Alignment

A strategic plan can place every member of your ASC on the same page. It is common to find departments within an organization headed in different directions. While they each may be accomplishing their departmental goals, the organization itself may struggle to achieve its primary strategic objectives. With the creation of a strategic plan, it’s possible for operations, finance, clinical, human resources, marketing, business development, and all the other departments in your business to align their efforts towards the same desired goals.

Sustaining Focus

A strategic plan offers an opportunity for ASC leaders to formally incorporate input from key members of the organization into business operations. Business leaders often receive insightful suggestions for improving business processes from internal team members. However, they may find it difficult to incorporate these suggestions in meaningful ways. A strategic plan offers the opportunity to integrate “good ideas” into the organization’s key initiatives and communicate them throughout the organization.

It also assists leaders curb unnecessary projects that consume the valuable time and energy of team members. Sometimes, it can be hard to say no to innovative ideas or initiatives. If there is no clear direction, these suggestions can create a lot of distraction. By prioritizing the activities necessary for success, each member of your leadership team can sustain focus on the agreed-upon objectives. Priorities make it easier to say no to distracting initiatives.

Creating Buy-In

As you create your ASC strategic plan, seek input from all leaders within your organization. Synthesize their input and communicate your message back to every member of your organization. Employees should know where their organization needs to be and the ways it will get there. Ensure your strategy is written down, finalized, and communicated to everyone acting on it.

Create a strategy for your business that incorporates your vision, mission, and outside the box thinking. Treat your strategic plan as a map that charts the course of your ASC, defining where you want your business to go. And, don’t be surprised when your guide helps you end up exactly where you wanted your business to be!

Extra Resources:

Jovanna Grissom, VP of Operations